Medic Materials Podcast

Uncomfort Care

Episode Summary

We review a call that defines "Rock and hard place". Two providers tend to a severely hypoxic patient that they must decide to transport or let pass in front of them. What ethics and humanity of human life are we going to discuss in this one?

Episode Notes

In today's ALL NEW episode of the #medicmaterialspodcast we are joined with Gerard (NYS AEMTP) and Emily (NYS EMT, ER-RN) as well as EMT Basic Intern Kelsey. We review a call that defines "Rock and hard place". Two providers tend to a severely hypoxic patient that they must decide to transport or let pass in front of them. What ethics and humanity of human life are we going to discuss in this one?

I do apologize for my dog barking at one time during recording. I did not want to re-record or edit that spot out because such good dialogue was occurring at the same time.